Q. When should I have professional driving lessons?
A. New South Wales Roads & Maritime Services have stated that it may be beneficial to obtain the services of a professional driving instructor at various stages during the learning process.
Q. What do I need to bring to my driving lesson?
A. Your licence, your logbook, thin soled shoes, applicable fee amount, and eyewear if required.
Q. Can I claim 3 hours for 1 in my logbook?
A. Yes, you can claim up to a total 30 logbook hours from 10 structured driving lesson hours.
Q. What qualifications do you have?
A. I have completed a Certificate IV in Transport & Logistics (Road Transport - Driving Instruction). I have a diploma in professional counselling and hold a current working with children clearance issued by New South Wales Office of the Children's Guardian. I am a current member of the Australian Driver Trainers Association.
Q. Do you ever get angry when a learner makes a mistake?
A. Learner drivers make many errors; it's normal - There's no room however, for anger inside a motor vehicle. I believe it is very important that driving instructors provide a constructive and safe learning environment. It is my responsibility to remain in control and be assertive in the interests of safety...but never angry.
Q.How will I know if I am ready to sit the driving test?
A. Once you have met the requisite learning obligations and your general driving ability and confidence levels are adequate, your instructor can conduct a mock test and provide you with feedback.
Q. Can you pick me up and drop me off at different locations?
A. Sure, you may be picked up/dropped off at a pre-arranged Sutherland shire location such as school, work etc.
'First Delight, then instruct' - Gustav Friedrich Waagen